Spring at Doddington Place, Kent
As regular readers of this blog know I hardly ever write about my garden. There are plenty of other scribes writing about their triumphs or disappointments in their own plots. This month I have decided to make an exception as there is so much that is looking good at the moment, largely thanks to the hard work of @dodheadgardener, @posy37 and David Breakall. In the woodland garden, first established in the 1960s there are a wide variety of daffodils, some garish, some subtle and some very overbred laden down with endless petaloids. There are also several camellias which I can’t help adding to each year. I find the perfectly shaped flowers irresistible akin to the exquisitely whorls of a shell.

Can anyone identify this camellia?
And of course lots of hellebores which give pleasure for weeks.
In the Sunk Garden this year we hve planted the four beds around the pond with a colourful mix of hyacinths and daffodils from Verver Export in Holland found for us by garden designer, Kirsty Knight Bruce.

Photograph taken on the 13th March 2016.

The same view just two weeks later on the 1st April.
I picked a single or a couple of examples of all the different daffodils out on the 13th March and grouped them together on our dining room table.
If I were more disciplined I would constantly be updating this tableaux as new varieties are opening daily.

I like to think these daffodils are an Edwardian planting. The ‘The Crash’ is the result of a ‘hit and run’ assault on our new park railings a few years ago. A witty solution on the part of my husband.

A glass obelisk sundial by David Harber installed in 2000.

Silver birch ‘Grayswood Ghost’ beautifully offset by the clipped yew hedges.